All manufacturers continually review ways to make their processes more efficient to increase productivity and customer satisfaction. While there are programs such as Lean Manufacturing that a manufacturer can follow, there are other practices that can be adopted. The following tips can help improve efficient manufacturing and result in better cost management, productivity, and profitability.
Multi-Train Workers
In today’s tight job market, having employees who can cover several positions is essential. When you train workers on multiple processes, they can substitute for employees out sick, troubleshoot, and provide additional help when needed. This training will also increase their understanding of the various processes in your facility, allowing them to see the entire scope of the production.
Maintain Equipment
When preventive maintenance becomes a priority, it ensures equipment and machinery operate optimally. You need to develop a schedule of regular maintenance sessions to prevent equipment failures proactively.
Material Waste Reduction
Material waste is one of the costliest wastes in the industrial process. To improve efficient manufacturing, evaluate your manufacturing processes from the design phase to use only the material necessary. Focus on optimizing your processes to ensure all available material is used. Finally, you can recycle waste material or sell it to a recycling center, turning a loss into a gain.
Cellular Manufacturing
Cellular manufacturing is the strategy of arranging different machines functionally in specific geometric layouts and larger functional units known as manufacturing cells. It can help manufacturing efficiency by optimizing your production process by grouping similar tasks together. This approach allows the machines and your employees to focus on a single task to promote consistency and better quality. Also, it significantly decreases downtime.
Since 1949, Bopp Busch has worked to be a valued supplier partner by improving the efficiency of our manufacturing processes. In addition to our core stamping services, we also offer toolmaking, general assembly, and design services. To learn more about Bopp Busch and our capabilities, contact us today.