Employee Retention: Combining Experience with Fresh Perspective

The metal stamping industry remains not only competitive, but extremely precise, requiring a combination of skill and expertise to perform the necessary tasks. Balancing the retention of long-term employees with comprehensive training of new staff is critical to ensure sustainable efficiency and high-quality products within the metal stamping industry.

The Value of Long-Term Talent

Employees who have worked within your company long-term are excellent sources of knowledge and expertise about not only the necessary objectives of their role, but also the inner-workings of the business, its expectations, and its tools.

Within the metal stamping industry, precision is paramount, and this skill often comes from a significant amount of time performing tasks over and over with precisely replicated results. One of the benefits of long-term employees is that they’ve likely mastered these skills and are able to consistently produce high-quality products.

Additionally, long-time employees serve as excellent resources and mentors for incoming hires who are learning the ropes of your unique company, its processes and procedures, and its equipment.

Retaining long-term employees with competitive wages and work/life balance also boosts your company’s reputation and helps in the recruitment process of hiring new talent.

The Value of Recruiting Fresh Perspectives

While experienced employees are critical for maintaining a high level of quality and precision within your metal stamping company, a diverse workforce also brings in a fresh perspective on a continuously evolving industry.

New hires are often able to adapt to new technologies or industry methodologies quicker as well and can help bring innovation to an experienced workforce who may have more outdated practices. These new insights can be useful for building a workforce with a careful balance of long-term skill and fresh innovation.

Investing in Comprehensive Training

Building a strong talent pipeline in your company requires investing in thorough and intentional training programs that equip new talent with the skills and resources necessary to succeed, while providing ample opportunity to learn from the expertise of long-term employees. The metal stamping industry requires plenty of hands-on experience to truly learn the ropes of the equipment and how to handle tools and dies, and providing opportunities for new employees to be trained alongside long-term employees leads to better outcomes and consistently high-quality products.

Here at Bopp Busch, we know all too well the value of investing in our long-term employees and are honored to have a team ranging from fresh hires to 50-year veterans. Producing high-quality and reliable metal stamped parts is our core objective as an experienced metal stamping supplier, and our success is built in part by the dedication and skill of our diverse workforce.