545 East Huron Rd. P.O.Box 589 Au Gres, MI 48703


Quality Control in Metal Stamping

Metal stamping is a critically important industry that influences consumer products, vehicles, and more, utilizes a high level of quality control from start to finish. Any mistake, whether in the design, on the assembly line itself, or even in packaging the metal parts, can have major consequences, both on quality...

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Safety in the Metal Stamping Industry

Metal stamping, and tool and die making, is a very precise process that requires careful observation and technique to avoid injury. With 4.5 million reported injuries in the metal stamping industry, safety is not only a priority, but a prerequisite to providing high-quality outcomes. Utilizing proper safety equipment and protocols...

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Choosing a Comprehensive Service Supplier

industry metal fire radio

There are many fantastic manufacturers, suppliers, and design companies that can provide high quality products, prototypes, and solutions. However, challenges can easily arise when the client or customer must juggle all of these different suppliers with diverse timelines, budgets, and expectations. Projects can become stagnant or delayed due to one...

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Primary E-Coating Processes

Electro-coating, more commonly known as E-coating, is a process that attaches paint to metal surfaces via an emulsion paint solution bath. This type of coating process makes metal parts more durable, and also provides the primer necessary to prevent rust before the aesthetic glossy paint color is applied. Currently, nearly...

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Recent Trends in the Welding Industry

The welding industry is constantly evolving and progressing to stay up to speed with technological advancements and complex engineering processes. These are a few trends that are becoming more commonplace in the welding industry: Increased Safety One of the key trends, and most beneficial, is the progress that’s been made...

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Evaluating Potential Metal Stamping Suppliers

Choosing a new manufacturer for your metal stamping needs can be an overwhelming prospect, but there are specific evaluative measures you can take to make sure you choose an efficient, experienced, and reliable supplier. One of the key ways to evaluate a potential supplier is to visit their site and...

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Hiring Tips Within the Manufacturing Industry

Manufacturing is, and always has been, a top industry with a high need for skilled and reliable workers. Demand for manufactured products is just as high as ever, and as a result, manufacturing companies continue to seek out highly skilled workers that can represent their brand well and help produce...

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The Consequences of Poor Metal Stamping

While it’s not uncommon to try to find the cheapest, most convenient supplier for all your metal stamping needs, the truth is that poor metal stamping projects and outcomes can lead to substantial issues later down the line. Poor workmanship or hasty processes can often lead to detrimental outcomes that...

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The E-Coating Process in Metal Stamping

Electro-coating (E-coating) is a paint finishing process that uses electrical current to attach wet paint to metal surfaces. This type of finishing typically involves immersing a metal part in a water-based emulsion paint solution before applying a voltage to the metal, causing the paint to condense onto the part. E-coating...

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Product Design for Manufacturing

Designing parts is the first step for any successful manufacturing project, and ensuring that the design is prepared and carefully planned ensures that the manufacturing process goes as smoothly and efficiently as possible. Making sure you have accommodated for numerous considerations in the early stages of design helps avoid major...

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